Tuesday, April 29, 2014

4: The New Weird

The Cabin in the Woods: What is Weird?

I must admit that I could not get into King Rat I don’t know maybe I didn’t give it a fair chance but it just couldn’t fit into my schedule this semester, it drags on and it tended to bore me but I read a lot about it and I’m ready to give it a second chance this summer. What I could get into was The Cabin in the Woods it’s an interesting film that has so much to say about the current generation of viewers. In a time where genres naturally are forced to blend together so to keep thing “fresh” The Cabin in the Woods is a mish mash of all types jumping between comedy, psychological thriller, horror and beyond the realm of your typical parody it puts you behind the forth wall unfolding all that is “weird.” It takes all the tropes found in a traditional horror movie we’ve come to know and love but goes much farther than simply putting you in the shoes of the villain as to give a different perspective it instead choses to put you in the shoes of the creator a god like narrative with no particular distinction of a definitive protagonist. It also tangles you in this POV inception, who are you rooting for? The human peons our victims? human kind? or do you just let it unfold. It’s truly a “weird” concept and only one that would be relevant now as attention spans shorten as time moves on films tend to be overlooked but this movie is an appreciation letter to horror of old that has so much to say about the present in films in a futurist manner. Instead of ramping up what genres already have established like so many movies fail at doing The Cabin in the Woods choses to be “weird” instead.

Honorable Mention

Troll Hunter is so awesome it takes this new interest we have in “mock-umentaries” a hybrid form of the Documentary and mixes it with Norwegian folklore. It’s another great example of this mixing of genres. It’s a documentary, a drama at times, an action film, horror and fiction. It’s weird and awesome I highly recommend it.

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